Thursday, July 12, 2007

God rocks

Just had to put a quick note on about today, before I forgot how cool he is :)

Today is my 27th Birthday...and to be honest when I woke up this morning I was more than a tad depressed. Some prayer and the birthday cards that some of you managed to negotiate through the US mail system to me helped - thank you so much.

The day wasn't really going fantastically however, I even had to cancel a phonecall with Nai because my worship leader emailed me asking to fill in this weekend at the last minute. Nai was concerned that I would spend my birthday alone, which, to be fair, was kinda my plan but God had other plans.

When I arrived at the practice I should probably have realised something was up - there didn't seem to be an obvious shortage of singers, or for that matter male singers. After practice it was revealed that they didn't really need an extra singer, they just needed an excuse to get me there. One of the other guys on the worship team is also leaving soon and they had set up a gathering of the worship team to give us a send off - complete with Tom Jones-kiwi-cake! (The other guy is from New Zealand hence the fruit - picture of cake will be appearing on my photo blog soon). They even gave us gifts - CDs of some of the worship sessions we had done and photo albums complete with some pics of the team (one of the group had even brought a photo printer so they could add the group pic from tonight to the album straight away).

So basically God rocks because I really didn't need to spend my Birthday alone and he provided, even a party with cake! :D

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