Sunday, April 29, 2007

America's cutest puppies

I wish I was making it up but the above title is a real TV show here. I guess that's what happens when you need 3 digits for your channel numbers. It's not even a one off, its a series...I think the next thing on the schedule was something like "Adventures in animal daycare", I really wish I was making this up...scratch that, perhaps I don't want a mind that would come up with that.

As usual I was about to type that not much has happened since my last post, then remembered just how long it has been since the last post.

So the biggest thing was probably flying down to Orlando for a couple of days to meet up with my brother and his family. I have finally done Disneyworld!!!.....and Busch gardens kicks it's butt :P. My mission, which I certainly chose to accept was to take my brothers kids on the rides he didn't want to touch. So we hit Universal studios and tried to do all the big coasters, we did a fair job, unfortunately the nemesis style twin one that does a fantastic job of convincing you that you are about to hit head on with the twin coaster, finished my brother off for inverted rollercoasters. (The collision thing couldn't have had much to do with that though as he freely confesses to closing his eyes for the entire ride).

On the first evening we went to Disneyworld and managed to fit in space mountain(very cool but totally different to the european one) and the runaway train ride, just - my nephew and I ended up racing the big light parade thing to get to the second coaster in time, am sure it is very pretty judging by the startled looks of the people we were running round who were actually watching it.

The second day was Busch gardens day, and that is where the cool coasters were :D We managed to get my brother on one more inverted one before he dug in his heels.

The flights to and from Orlando allowed me to add two more states to my "visited" list and gave me experience of why traveling with only carry-on is a good idea and negotiating round delayed flights and missed connections (ok basically I prayed and God sorted it but that is a good summary of how to deal with most anything :)).

The flights on the way home were kinda fun too (the aforementioned brother would use a different description :P) with too much turbulence to even allow cabin service and a cloud base so low that most of the landing was conducted with no sign of the ground but the knowledge that it must be close as you just heard the landing gear and we really are slowing down quite a lot, ah theres the ground - thud.

I have actually got a small group now - well am supposed to attend for the first time this week, though worryingly it is the over 30's singles group, which is odd as I am neither :P

What else? Well I sung with the church easter choir and this morning I did my second sunday with the worship group, and am signed up for at least three more by early June so I guess I passed the audition.

Spiritually this last period has been one of the hardest I have been through. The lack of christian activities and groups has exposed my pattern of not having much dedicated time with God on my own, with predictable results. Time to if anyone can explain to me the balance between striving and not doing it in your own strength let me know - 100 words or less :P

Sorry for sucking at keeping in touch with you all. Looking forward to catching up, if God's plans for my future allow I think I will have to do a mini-tour of the UK to make sure I see everyone.

love ya all (note I didn't use the full US contraction, though there was a moment today when I think my chameleon accent tendencies sent me out west)



Little Miss Laura said...

Hey Dan, welcome back to the internet - great to hear your news. :-) A colleague of mine does the 3rd party approvals (and testing) of amusement parks, so you can make a career in it if you try... :-) Anyway, to answer your question in a hundred words or less... just strive. The risk of going to far is usually minimal. :-)

Little Miss Laura said...

How grammatically inept. *too

SpoonBadger said...

American Space Mountain is rattling-around-in-a-tin-can cack! Eurodisney one is sooo much better (although it's admittedly probably been about a decade since I've been on either...) And Busch gardens was my favourite for big scary rides too :) Did you go see Wales in Disney Epcot?!
No news here - have my French oral exam in about 4 hours, which is presumably why I'm reading blogs right now ;) Love yoooo though. *cheesy grin*

Little Miss Laura said...

How are the puppies?